Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sorry to all readers (If there is anyone left who checks our blog). We do not have Internet access at our house yet. The computer just made it out the the box a few days ago. Hopefully someday (maybe after a few more paychecks) we will again be connected with the rest of the world! Then I can post some new pics.

Since I cannot show you any pictures, I will try to discribe what the kiddos look like these days. A's arms and legs and covered with mosquito bites or the scars from her scratching at them. Her parents always forget the bug spray. They do not have mosquitos in Ohio. B cannot hold still long enough to have his picture taken. His new trick is to let go of the couch and bounce a few times before sitting on the ground and crawling for what he wants. We are expecting him to take off walking any day now. Tyler has tear-stained cheeks from not being in the Shoe for Ohio State's season opener.